Our goal is to create a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan to help you resume your normal activities with as little pain as possible.

Referring Providers

Learn how to make a referral at the Ayer Neuroscience Institute

Meet our Pain Management specialists:

Name Specialties Location
Hulland, Oliver, MD Hulland, Oliver, MD
4.9 /5
221 surveys
  • Pain Medicine
  • North Haven
Karam, Anthony, DO Karam, Anthony, DO 203.226.2490
  • Pain Medicine
  • Milford
  • Westport
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Tamasdan, Cristina, MD Tamasdan, Cristina, MD
4.9 /5
42 surveys
  • Pain Medicine
  • Bridgeport
Sekhar, Rajat, MD Sekhar, Rajat, MD
4.9 /5
185 surveys
  • Pain Medicine
  • Anesthesiology
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  • Westport
  • Milford
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